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Swimming for kids
Swimming for adults


My name is Yevgeniy Rabago, I am the founder of the school profile, I am a member of the Association of swimming coaches in Britain, through my hands have passed more than 1000 students, the author of the method "from zero to hero", an ardent supporter of child early development and correct habits. I am a fervent advocate of early childhood development and good habits.

Swimming school
Swimming lessons
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Get to Know Me

My story

Coach Yevgeniy has always had a passion for swimming. As a young boy, he spent countless hours in the pool, honing his skills and perfecting his technique. He was a natural swimmer and quickly became one of the top competitors on his high school swim team.

After graduating, Coach Yevgeniy decided to pursue his passion for swimming at the collegiate level. He earned a scholarship to swim for a Division I university and became a standout athlete on the team.

After college, Coach Yevgeniy began coaching swimming as a part-time job while he worked as a full-time engineer. However, he soon realized that his true passion was in teaching and mentoring young swimmers. He decided to leave his engineering job and pursue a career as a full-time swimming coach.

He started working with the local swim club, and quickly realized that he had a real talent for teaching kids how to swim. He enjoyed seeing the children's progress as they learned to swim and became more confident in the water. As he worked with more and more kids, Coach Yevgeniy realized that he wanted to make a bigger impact on the community by opening his own swim school.

With this idea in mind, Coach Miguel opened his own swim school where he could share his passion for swimming with more children in the community. He designed a comprehensive program for teaching kids how to swim, focusing on making the learning process fun and enjoyable. He quickly became known for his expert instruction and positive reinforcement techniques, which helped children gain confidence and develop essential swimming skills.

Now, Coach Yevgeniy's swim school is one of the most popular and respected in the area, and he is proud to have helped so many children learn to swim and reach their full potential in the water. He continues to be passionate about swimming and is dedicated to teaching the next generation of swimmers.

Swimming academ
Swimming for baby
Swimming for newborn
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